What is the TMJ?

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the hinge that connects your jaw to your skull. The TMJs allow you to move your jaw up and down and side to side so you can speak, eat, and yawn. Each TMJ has a disc between the ball and socket of the joint that cushions the load of the joint.

What causes TMJ disorders?

Any issues with the function of the TMJs are called a TMJ disorders. The following can cause TMJ disorders:

  • Injury to the jaw, the TMJs, or the muscles of the head and neck
  • Movement of the disc between the ball and socket of the TMJ
  • Arthritis in the TMJ
  • Stress, which can cause you to tighten your facial and jaw muscles

What are the symptoms of TMJ disorders?

If you experience any of the following signs and symptoms, Dr. Charles Anonye may treat TMJ in York, Pennsylvania:

  • Pain in the face, TMJs, neck , shoulders, or ear area when you use your jaw
  • Issues when you try to open your mouth wide
  • Jaws that lock open or shut
  • Clicking or grating sounds in the joint when you open or close your mouth
  • A tired feeling in the face
  • Trouble chewing or an uncomfortable bite
  • Swelling in the face

How are TMJ disorders treated?

Our dentist may supply you with a custom-made night guard. Wear this to protect your teeth and TMJs from the effects of teeth grinding and clenching.

Please contact Heritage Dental to learn more and to schedule an appointment.